After attending the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston where she earned her BFA from Tufts University, Liz Grace began doing editorial work for a number of newspapers and magazines. In 1985 she studied printmaking in Valdotavo, Italy with Luis Camnitzer through Pratt University. Upon returning to the United States she relocated to New York City and broadened her client. Liz has done product illustrations for Lancome, as well as product design illustrations for Avon and Stemlit Orchards. After almost ten years in New York, Liz moved to Connecticut where she continues to draw and practice.
Some of her clients include Lancome, East West Journal, The Hartford Courant, Avon, Parenting Magazine, Scholastic Inc., The Chicago Tribune, Elle, Baby Talk Magazine, Ladie's Home Journal, Mademoiselle, Lawrence Teacher Books, Rodale Press, Stemlit Orchards, and Clarkson Potter.
Her working method involves creating digital work overall.

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