Terry Kovalcik's humorous illustra
tions are packed with energy. His style captures the action
and expression of the images he creates. With a bit of mischievousness and wit, his goal is to make the viewer smile.

His work process begins with many rounds of sketches and his Macintosh computer; he develops the overall composition with these. Then with his airbrush, he creates the final piece using multiple layers of transparent color, which allows the white of the paper to illuminate throughout the image. By incorporating bold colors, gradient blends and the sense of textures and patterns, he creates action with the characters. In some of his artwork, he pushes the image to the extreme by creating an exaggerated three-dimensional prospective.
Some of his clients have been AT&T, Arizona Lottery, Harcourt Brace, Houghton Mifflin, Learning Company, Pearson Learning, Portal Publications, Publications International, Macmillan, McGraw Hill, San Francisco Ballet, Scholastic, Steck Vaughn, Time Warner, Time Magazine, William H. Sadlier, Wunderman Cato Johnson, Binney & Smith Crayola, and Fancy
Food Show NA

His style seems very creative to me, as he plays a lot with perspective and contrast in colors along while creating specific caricatures in some images and not in others.

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